My new Sunday morning online class is growing fast!

My new Sunday morning online class is growing fast!

It seems like my students from around the world over the years miss taking my classes! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ thank you!!!

I am very humbled and honored and really I enjoy teaching this class so much!

I donโ€™t teach regular classes very often these years as I have been so focused on Teacher Trainngs but I will continue this Sunday 10am class and my online studio as I see that it is appreciated.

And I appreciate you all so much for practicing with me!

Good luck ๐Ÿ€


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Fred Busch

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I am teaching online a live class this Sunday!!

This class will be classic Fred Busch Power Yoga with Savasana and Meditation at the end of class! Fee is sliding scale so pay what you can and lets get practicing together on Sunday!

Fred Busch Yoga and School of Plant Nutrition