Signs that the body needs to detoxify!
- craving sugar
- abdominal bloating/fat
- fluid retention
- acne, rosacea
- fatigue
- insomnia
- joint/muscle pain
- headaches
- dark under eye circles
- constipated
- depressed
- brain fog
- trouble losing weight
Ways to fix these issues!
- Declutter the Mind: Stress can produce unwanted hormones such as cortisol and Epinephrine (often referred to as adrenaline) that active the body fight or flight mode causing the central nervous system to strain internal organs. This stress stops digestion, increases blood pressure, produces tense muscles, increases heart rate. By dedicating time each day to meditation or yoga you break the cycle of stress present in the body. The mind is an essential organ that must be detoxified to avoid mental fog, difficulty concentrating, anxiety and stress.
- Detox the Body: There are five essential organs that regularly detoxify; Skin, Colon, Liver, Lungs, Kidneys. Once times we neglect these organs by consuming junk food and exposing ourselves to pollution. Therefore by detoxifying them every once in a while it gives them the change to empty out years of toxins build up in the body.
- Exercise the Body:. Moving the body helps to circulate both blood and lymph. The more they circulate, the more the liver and lymph nodes can do the job of cleansing and purifying the blood and lymph. By doing exercise you also sweat to cool down the body which also allows toxins in the skin to be released.
- Hydrate: Drink more than 10 glasses of water each day and costume as many fruits and veggies as possible to receive electrolytes and release toxins present in the kidneys.
- Avoid white sugar and white flour since they cause inflammation. And diseases are causes by inflammation .
- Make smoothies that cleanse the body and drink them throughout the day. Kale, ginger, garlic, cilantro, turmeric, and pineapples are great for detoxification.