Overview – All Miami Yoga Teacher Training Programs

Welcome to Miami Yoga's Trainings Overview Page!  We are very proud to offer the highest quality Yoga Teacher Training Programs and Professional Certifications.  Our School's curriculums certify students to teach  Hot Yoga, Power Vinyasa Yoga, Meditation, Plant Based Vegan Nutrition and more! Fred Busch's unique Massage Therapy for Yoga Teachers Component and Healing Sequences Yoga Therapy approach are part of the 200 and 300 Hour Teacher Training Curriculum.


Fred Busch lectures on deeper aspects of Yoga and Tantra at his Hot Power Yoga Teacher Training!

Miami Yoga Teacher Training Programs Described Below!
Contact fredbusch@miamiyoga.com to speak with our team.



Yoga Teacher Training Overview Page

200 Hour Yoga Alliance



Miami, Florida
Medellin, Colombia
Bogota, Colombia
Villavicencio, Colombia
Lima, Peru
Erfurt, Germany

What You Receive: Yoga Alliance 200 Hour Accreditation

Basic Details: Curriculum is Comprehensive - Asana Alignment and Development, Teaching Techniques, Anatomy, Yoga Therapy, Massage Therapy, Yoga Nutrition, Meditation, Pranayama, Enlightenment, Yoga Philosophy, Mantra, Sanskrit and more!

Breakdown of the standard day: Morning Practice followed by Lectures or Workshops on Curriculum of the Day followed Teaching Practice in the Afternoons

Requisites: Everyone is welcome who has earnest interest in learning Yoga for personal and or professional reasons and is interested in growth. This training is as much for personal development as for professional training since we are only able to teach professionally what we have developed personally. We honor both intentions. Of course to some degree the more yoga experience one has the more one can absorb. But waiting until the theoretical 'ideal time' to do the teacher training may not work either because the 'ideal perfect time' that you wait for often never arrives and this training will start benefiting you right away!  If you miss a few hours we are able to help you get access to the recording made that day so that curriculum and hours is not compromised.  We are here to support you on the path as best we can.

Requirements: Passing Practical and Written Exams. Completion of all homeworks and assignments.

Reasons to Apply: A Professional Certification... you leave the training with the skills to teach!

This program not just develops great teachers it really delivers incredible personal results to everyone who participates

From weight loss all the way to spirituality the students in these training experience personal benefits that are described by them as life changing

Commonly towards the end of these trainings everyone looks brighter in their eyes and has better looking skin and looks younger.

It really trains you to be a yogi and to know how to live yoga and get the huge benefits that yoga can bring.

Fred’s programs are pretty different from other trainings because he created systems for Yoga Therapy and Healing Sequences as well as teaching Massage Therapy Skills and YogaNutrition Health Coach lectures. These are several components to this training that are simply not found anywhere else.

No Refund Policy- No refunds are offered for Fred Busch Yoga Teacher Trainings.  Students wishing to attend a later date or transfer the training to another person may do so if confirmed before the program start date.

300 Hour Yoga Alliance

Module 1 

M.A.A.T.H.  Massage - Anatomy - Adjustments - Therapy - Healing


Yoga Anatomy






Bony Landmarks

Human Physiology and Systems

Adjustments in Yoga

Professional Level Massage Therapy Skills

Healing Hands Skills

The Official M.A.T.H. Bodywork Sequence

Thai-Yoga for Student Range of Motion

Acupressure Theory and Practice

Integrating Bodywork Skills

Energetic Bodywork

Psychic Factors

Expansion Skills

Compression Skills

Percussion Skills

Joint mobilization

Healing Specific Injuries with Hands

And much more.



M.A.A.T.H. Manual Book 1 - MATH Bodywork Skills and FB Therapy Techniques

M.A.A.T.H. Manual Book 2 - Muscular and Skeletal Anatomy

Touchabilities by Iris Burman

The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book



Are you a yoga teacher who does not feel totally confident in your hands-on skills?

Most teachers of yoga have not been trained specifically in anatomy and bodywork skills.  It is not coincidence that many of the best Yoga teachers were once trained massage therapists by profession.  This training will teach you to use your hands like a professional massage therapist and be part of a program that gives practical hours to master your new skills.

Module 2 

Raja Yoga and Meditation


Curriculum Basics:

Yoga Meditation

Ashtanga Yoga








Meditation with 7 Chakras



Yoga Nidra





How to Open the Third Eye

Awakening of Kundalini-Shakti


Prana and Pranayama

The Aura

Anahata Nadam


The Mahabharata

The Bhagavad Gita

And much more.



Fred Busch guides you through and deeply explores the original system of yoga called Raja Yoga.  This training will follow one of the greatest text books ever written on yoga as well.  In addition to Raja Yoga and the Sutras of Patanjali, students in this module will also study the Bhagavad Gita and the Mahabharata. 


Required Texts: 

Fundamentals of Yoga by Ramamurti Mishra

The Bhagavad Gita

Yoga Psychology - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Translated by Ramamurti Mishra


Module 3  

Living Yoga with Lifestyle and Philosophy Training



Overview and Understanding for Yoga Teachers

Lesson  1 - Why Are We Needed?  

Lesson  2 - What is a Health Educator and What is our Mission?

Lesson  3- The Palliative Approach of Western Allopathic Medicine

Lesson  4 - Hippocrates 3 Golden Rules

Lesson  5-  Dr. Robert Mendelsohn and Dangers of Modern Medicine

Lesson  6 - Contradictions Abound in Field of Nutrition

Lesson  7 - Opinion has No Place in Nutrition

Lesson  8 - Experience + Knowledge = Mastery

Lesson  9 - Course Overview and Course Requirements 

Lesson 10 - Our Approach / The Sciences Align 

Lesson  11 - Prevention is Better than Cure

Lesson  12 - The Body Heals Itself

Lesson  13 - The 5 Fundamental Factors and Feedback

Lesson  14  -Factor 1 - How do we Eat?

Lesson 15  - Factor 2 - How do we Exercise?

Lesson 16 -  Factor 3 - How do we Use our Mind? 

Lesson 17 -  Psychoneuroimmunology

Lesson 18 -  Meditation and The Mind and the Subconscious

Lesson 19 -  Factor 4 - How do we Rest?

Lesson 20 -  Factor 5 - Living Organically

Lesson 21 - Toxic People and Energetic Vampires

Lesson 22 -  The Value of Daily Discipline

Lesson 23 -  Thriving vs Surviving

Lesson 24 -  Pioneers and Masters of Natural Health Systems

Lesson 25 -  Plant Based Films and Documentaries 

Lesson 26 -  The Fundamental Cause of Disease 

Lesson 27-   The Basic Processes of Digestion

Lesson 28 - The Body is a Bunch of Cells and Two Major Fluids 

Lesson 29 - The Two Sides of Chemistry

Lesson 30 - Toxemia, Toxins and Chemicals

Lesson 31 - Acidosis- The Cause

Plant Based Nutritional Science for Yoga Teachers

Lesson  32    Intention of Speaker

Lesson  33    Knowledge is Power

Lesson  34    Defining Meat

Lesson  35  - Physiological Evidences to Avoid Flesh in Human Dietary

Lesson  36  - Psychological Evidences Human Dietary

Lesson  37  - Spiritual Reasons to Avoid Eating Animals and Scriptures 

Lesson  38  - Defining Dairy

Lesson  39 - Definitions of a Mammal

Lesson  40 - Cow Milk vs Human Milk 

Lesson  41 - Plant Calcium vs Cow’s Milk Calcium

Lesson  42 - Casein - Milk Protein 

Lesson  43- Lactose - Milk Sugar

Lesson  44- Osteoporosis

Lesson  45 - Bizarre and Unnatural

Lesson  46 - Female Rights on Earth

Lesson  47 - Dairy Relationship to Veal

Lesson  48 - Eggs

Lesson  49 - Protein and Amino Acids

Lesson  50 - Omega 3, 6, 9 Fatty Acids 

 Lesson 51 - The Great Fish Myth

Lesson  52 - The Toxic Ocean Environment, Bioaccumulation and Industrial Fishing 

Lesson 53 - Parasites

Lesson 54 - Common Poisons From Diet

Lesson 55 - Stimulants and Why the Seem to Work

Lesson 56 - Caffeine

Lesson 57-  Nicotine Smoking and Vaporizing

Lesson 58 - Alcohol and LIver Disease

Lesson 59 - Table Salt

Lesson 60-  Processed Sugars

Biochemistry and Nutritional Factors for Yogis

Lesson 61  - Electrolytes

Lesson 62 - The Alkaline Chemistry of Body

Lesson 63  - Energy and Food 

Lesson  64    Antioxidants / Free Radicals

Lesson 65  - Raw Food Vs Cooked Food 

Lesson 66 - Genetics of Older People and Genetic Weakness Explained

Lesson 67   Enzymes

Lesson 68  - Vitamins

Lesson 69 - Whole Foods vs Vitamin Pills 

Lesson 70 - MInerals and Trace Metals

Lesson 71 - Iron Absorption and Anemia 

Lesson 72 - Whole Foods for Minerals: Chelated vs Non-Chelated Minerals

Lesson 73 - Phytochemicals

Lesson 74- Vitamin B-12 

Lesson 75 - Protein and Amino Acids 

Lesson 76 - Fats / Essential Fatty Acids - Saturated vs Unsaturated

Lesson 77 - Carbohydrates- Simple vs Complex

Lesson 78 - Refined Sugar 

Lesson 79 - The Calorie 

Lesson 80 - Gluten & Wheat 

Lesson 81 - Beans and Sprouting

Lesson 82 - The Principles of Food Combining

Lesson 83 - Dangerous Half Truths in Nutrition

Lesson 84 - The Rotten Vector

Yoga Anatomy and Physiology / Popular Human Diets

Lesson 85 -  The Cell  and Tissue- Organization and Cooperation

Lesson 86 -  The Two Major Fluids - Blood and Lymph

Lesson 87 -  Cardiovascular System

Lesson 88 -  The Digestive System

Lesson 89 -  The Eliminative Systems

Lesson 90 -  The Endocrine Gland System

Lesson 91 -  The Skeletal and Muscular Systems

Lesson 92 - The Nervous System

Lesson 93- The Respiratory System

Lesson 94- Energy Flow Systems and Health

Lesson 95 - Overweight and Obesity Rates

Lesson 96 - Dopamine

Lesson 97  - The Diet Industry Economy

Lesson 98- The Standard American Diet

Lesson 99 - Ayurvedic Diet

Lesson 100 - Atkins Diet

Lesson 101- Ketosis and Ketogenic Diet

Lesson 102 - Macrobiotic Diet

Lesson 103- Weight Watchers Diet

Lesson 104  Glycemic Index Diet

Lesson 105- Blood Type Diet

Lesson 106- Mediterranean Diet

Lesson 107- Flexitarian Diet

Lesson 108 - Paleo Diet

Lesson 109 Dash Diet

Lesson 110 Mayo Clinic Diet

Lesson 111  Volumetrics Diet

Lesson 112- Overeating on Any Diet 

Lesson 113 -  The Spectrum of Diets from Ideal to Worst

Lesson 114- Weight Loss with Health

Yoga Detox and Regeneration / Modern Health Conditions

Lesson 115 -  The Science of Detoxification

Lesson 116 -  Symptoms and Detox Events : What to Expect

Lesson 117 -  Two Great Juices for Fasting

Lesson 118  How to Return from a Fast or Detox

Lesson 119 - Constipation- The Root of Disease

Lesson 120 -  Laxatives and Laxative Dependency

Lesson 121 - Herbs and Herbal Formulas for Constipation

Lesson 122 -  Colonics

Lesson 123-  Enemas

Lesson 124-  Probiotics

Commonly Encountered Modern Health Conditions in Yoga Students

Lesson 125 - Parasites

Lesson 126- Non-Communicable Diseases

Lesson 127 - Obesity

Lesson 128 - Anemia

Lesson  129- Cancer

Lesson  130 - Chemotherapy

Lesson  131 - Cardiovascular Disease

Lesson  132 - Heart Attack

Lesson   133  Stroke 

Lesson   134  Gout

Lesson -  135  Adrenal Gland Weakness

Lesson    136  Chronic Respiratory

Lesson  - 137  Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Lesson  - 138  Chrohns 

Lesson   -139   Depression / Anxiety

Lesson  - 140- Neurological Disorders

Lesson   -141- Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes 

Lesson - 142-  Skin Disorders

Lesson  - 143 - Skin Cancer

Lesson  - 144 - Skin and Suppression 

Lesson  - 145 - Weight Loss and Health

Lesson  - 146- Youthfulness / Anti Aging

Lesson    147   Erectile Dysfunction

Professional Skills & Communicating w/ Clients 

Lesson 148 - Going Out Into The World As a Healer and Educator

Lesson 149 - Why Talking About Food is Challenging

Lesson 150 - Intention is Everything for the Health Educator 

Lesson 151  - The Key to Caring is to Not Care 

Lesson 152 -  The Main Outline of Talking Professionally 

Lesson 153 - The Client Intake and Health Questionnaire 

Lesson  154 Emotional Eating vs Biological Eating

Lesson 155 -  100% is easy

Lesson 156 - Teaching the Value of Silence

Lesson  157- Natural Living

Lesson  158 - Building Positive Habits

Lesson 159- The Daily Plan for Clients

Lesson 160 - Basic Skills of Life Education

Lesson  161 Preparation Is Key for Success

Lesson 162 - Psychology of Communication and Connecting with your Clients 

Lesson  163- Business of Health Education & Developing Clients

Lesson  164 - Community Education Events

Lesson  165- Outsourcing 

 Lesson 166   Practical Skills  -Smoothies

Lesson  -167  Practical Skills - Almond and Nut Milk

Lesson  -168  Practical Skills - Sprouts

Lesson  -169  Life Knowledge - Dr. David Hawkins and the Scale of Consciousness 



Lifestyle and Philosophy of Yoga in Action.  Fred Busch guides you through a deep and comprehensive exploration of the subject of Yoga lifestyle as it relates to nutrition and biochemistry.  This module merges science and spirituality to offer graduates a powerful and effective capacity to help their yoga students in every dimension of their lives.


Required Texts: 

The China Study by T. Colin Campbell

The Medellin Wellness Protocol by Fred Busch

The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse.






500 Hour Yoga Alliance 

What You Receive?: Yoga Alliance 500 Hour Accreditation

Details: The 500 Hour Teacher Training program necessarily requires attendance to both the Fred Busch 200 Hour Program and the Advanced Raja Yoga 300 Hour Program and includes extra hours of Readings, Home Work, Practical Teaching Experience and Assignments.


No Refund Policy- No refunds are offered for Fred Busch Yoga Teacher Trainings.  Students wishing to attend a later date or transfer the training to another person may do so if confirmed before the program start date.



School of Plant Nutrition

Health Educator Certification 


School of Plant Nutrition- Health Educator and Detox Certification  

Details:  Online Nutrition School.  Training for future Health Educators and experts in Nutrition. This program teaches the biological and technical understanding behind why to eat certain ways as well as the psychology for how to communicate the emotionally charged subject of food to clients and patients so that they can listen and actually apply it. This is for Yoga Teachers, Health Coaches, Fitness Trainers, Medical Doctors, therapists of all kinds and everyone who wishes to improve the health and wellbeing of clients or patients or themselves. This training involves a lot of reading of the course manual and the main required books as well as a package of homework questions that correlate to the lectures and readings.

Requisites: This training is as much for personal development as for professional training since we are only able to teach professionally what we have developed personally. We honor both intentions. Waiting until the ideal time to do this course may not be a great idea either because the perfect time often never arrives and this training will start benefiting you right away!

Required Books (Included in Training but we recommend you start reading as soon as possible):  The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Dr. Robert Morse, The China Study by Campbell, Sugar Blues by Dufty and A Clear and Definite Path by Busch





Mixed Martial Yoga

Overview : Mixed Martial Yoga™ is a system that starts with Yoga Meditation...then does Chi Kung Opening...then Yoga Sun Salutations for warming up followed by a very dynamic and efficient Fred Busch Power Yoga sequence... then begins the Martial Arts section which works on real Martial techniques like kicking, punching, self defense, movement, awareness and more either with equipment, with partners or with Kata like practice. The Martial Arts part of the class is followed by closing inversions from Yoga and Meditation. MMY™ presents the very best of both the Yoga and Martial Arts systems into one practice.


Details: This training focuses on Fred Busch Power Yoga and Jimmy’s Pool’s Authentic Martial Arts. Unlike other similar sounding practices..this system is actually not so much synthesizing two systems but rather teaching both in traditional form and giving both their due time in the course of the class. First week is all about the MMY and the Yoga...and the second intensive week is about the MMY and the Martial Arts... so both systems are instructed separately.

Students learning MMY will have authentic yoga and authentic martial arts training both.

Breakdown of Standard Day: Week 1 - Morning MMY Classes and Yoga Training Afternoons and Week 2 Morning MMY Classes and Martial Arts Afternoons

Requisites: This training is as much for personal development as for professional training since we are only able to teach professionally what we have developed personally. We honor both intentions.

Requirements:  Passing the program and obtaining certification from Jimmy Pool and Fred Busch is not guaranteed to all participants. Students must demonstrate proficiency in the teaching of the Yoga and the Martial Arts components by passing a practical examination as well as demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical components by passing a written examination.

Reasons to Register: This is real martial arts.. muay thai...kung fu based... using punching bags and pads.... sparring...self defense... cardio kickboxing drills.

Jimmy Pool has been studying and teaching martial arts for over 35 years

This is pure Martial Arts  and Yoga and not a synthesized system.  Jimmy is the ultimate teacher of martial arts and lived in China and Thailand for over a decade!  This will satisfy Yogi's and Martial Arts as it delivers all benefits of both!

Yogis benefit from Martial Arts power and Martial Artists benefit from Yoga’s meditation and range of motion...they are perfect compliments.