Reasons to Avoid Pharmaceuticals – Unethical Research
by Fred Busch

Borderline Personality Disorder – New York Times
New York Times today says: “Borderline personality disorder, which is estimated to affect 1 percent to 2 percent of Americans, is characterized by extreme mood swings,impulsivity and fears of abandonment. Studies have shown that the most successful treatments are specialized forms of talk therapy, but finding practitioners who are trained in these methods can be difficult. Many doctors prescribe antipsychotics and antidepressants to help with some symptoms.”
This is an example of the ruthless fact that in order to sell drugs for money that are not needed by anyone and due real harm to people, pharmaceutical companies and doctors collude to create disease names because once a new disease is officially named and is ‘identified’ it can then be targeted by a specific ‘weapon’/ drug. This is the engine behind the naming of disorders that do not exist like this ‘Borderline personality disorder’ which is really caused by a horrible diet and no exercise.
This article explains primarily about the illegal coordination and corruption at the heart of the pharmaceutical industries quest for the next billion dollar drug that they can sell to each patient for $1000 a month to the government and private health insurance companies who then pass the premiums to us all. We should avoid pharmaceutical and over the counter medications or pain killers or drugs of any kind if at all possible.
There is a famous quote that says, “Nothing that makes a healthy person sick can make a sick person healthy.” If you want to learn to think for yourself like a powerful person who does not accept things unless they pass the scrutiny of your expert understanding then inquire today about being a professional health coach and Yoga and Integrative Nutrition master!