About Fred Busch Yoga

“Fred your classes are the Perfect balance between intense workout and mind & soul calming meditation.”  
Leonore R.

Fred Busch Miami Yoga

Fred Busch Power Yoga is perfect for all levels. Our style of Yoga has spread around the globe because it provides a great spectrum of benefits to all who practice.

Expect a deep enhancing of the quality of your life as you build strength, stamina, balance, and a strong core.  Prepare to learn about the mind and its control and how to be a more powerful person on every level!Are you looking to feel more energy?  

Are you looking to lose some weight?
Ready to tone up your body?
Are you an athlete looking to better performance?  

Welcome to Miami Yoga and Fred Busch Power Yoga!   

Fred Busch opened the first Power Yoga Studio in Miami in 2001. The Fred Busch Yoga style  is the basis for many of the Yoga styles being taught in Miami and Latin America.  Our approach is multidimensional and has benefits for everyone!

Arm Strength, Core and Legs Strength, Twists, Backbends, Arm Balances, Inversions, Final Relaxation, Meditation, Eastern wisdom are all elements of the world renowned Fred Busch Power Yoga.  All classes are for all levels and also include Massage Therapy and Fred Busch’s Yoga Therapeutics to assist students in healing injuries. There are many things students love about Fred Busch Power Yoga including the individual attention to students safety in class and the Vinyasa style where moving is linked to breathing in what is called a ‘moving meditation’.   

Each class is designed to systematically stimulate the organs, glands, and nervous system and move freshly oxygenated blood to the entire body. In one class you will sweat, smile, destress and do more for your overall health, spirit and self-confidence than you could imagine.

Fred is often quoted in his Teacher Training programs that ‘advanced yoga is not about lotus pose or getting your leg behind your head. Instead of gymnastics accomplishment, Yoga at its root recognizes that unconscious patterns like reactivity are obstacles on the path to enlightenment.   These obstacles may even be holding us back from realizing our deepest peace and experiencing wellbeing.’

Fred Busch – Director of Teacher Trainings

Fred Busch Biography:

Fred Busch is a dedicated practitioner of Yoga, Founder and Director of Miami Yoga, and a Leader in the field of Human Nutrition.  Fred is a graduate of the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment and is director of the Teacher Training Programs for Yoga in Miami, New York, Colorado, Lima, Bogota, Buenos Aires, London and other locations around the World.

Fred is also the founder and Director of The School of Plant Nutrition Health Coach Certification.

Additionally Fred is the co-creator of Mixed Martial Yoga along with his partner Master Jimmy Pool.

Fred is one of the nation’s top Yoga Teacher Training instructors and is widely known for his authentic and original system of Power Yoga and for his unique system of Yoga Therapy.   Fred Busch’s Healing Sequences for Power Yoga have helped hundreds of injured students heal their knees, shoulders and lower backs.

Fred’s original Yoga Studio was called Miami Yogashala was founded as an Ashtanga Vinyasa School in 2001. After several years of teaching Ashtanga Vinyasa Fred started noticing that there was no mechanism to heal certain injuries. As a result Fred began to advise certain students to refine their poses in ways that were more healing.

This development meant that Fred no longer was teaching traditional Ashtanga vinyasa yoga, so he changed the name of his classes to Power Yoga. Fred has trained over 500 teachers and Fred Busch Power Yoga is taught all over the world.

Traveling alone in Africa in 1998 Fred Busch was stricken with a blood parasite and nearly died at age 25. During his suffering and fear of death Fred had a clear vision about the gift that is health and visualized a prayer that if he were granted his health back he would not take it for granted again.

Fred’s resulting commitment to achieving and maintaining a health of body and mind lead him to practice 7 consecutive years of a 100% Raw Vegan Diet.   Fred is the author of “A Clear and Definite Path – Enlightenment and Health with Yoga and Holistic Living” and In 2003 Fred opened a restaurant  in South Beach called Food Without Fire.  Food without Fire was Miami’s first 100% Raw Vegan Restaurant.

Fred is the author of “The Lower Back Bible – A Yoga Solution to a Pain Free You”. Fred is a pioneer in the Healing Arts and creator of Fred Busch Healing Sequences for Power Yoga™ a system of Yoga therapy and healing injuries and back pain with Yoga pose modifications.

Fred is also owner and director of programming at Medellin Retreat which is a Yoga Retreat and Vegan Nutrition Education Venue near Medellin, Colombia.

Visit Amazon to purchase Fred Busch’s two authoritative books.  Fred’s first book is called “A Clear and Definite Path– Enlightenment and Health with Yoga and Holistic Living,” is all about Yoga, Raw Food, Vegan Food and Enlightenment.  Fred’s second book is an expert work of Yoga Therapy titled “The Lower Back Bible” and is on how to alleviate lower back pain caused by the two most common causes, which are herniated discs and sacroiliac joint pain.

Fred was initiated into Devanagari (the language of the Gods), commonly known as Sanskrit, 12 years ago by his Sanskrit/Yoga Philosophy master Manorama. She is from the lineage of Brahmananda Sarasvati, founder of the Ananda Ashram in New York. Fred provides Sanskrit language instruction in his Teacher Trainings and offers private Sanskrit lessons to those who want to do Yoga asana with their tongue, to quote Manorama, his Sanskrit Teacher.

A humble student of Yoga, Fred Busch gives all credit to the following Yoga Masters as his direct Teachers: Sri Sri Dharma Mitra from the lineage of Yogi Gupta; Gary Kraftsow, a long time direct student of Sri T. Krisnamacharya; Tias Little, direct student BKS Iyengar and K. Pattabhi Jois; Duncan Wong, Martial Arts and Astanga Master and founder of YOGIC ARTS; Sri Sri Aadil Palkhivala, founder of Purna Yoga, from the lineage of Sri Aurobindo and long time student of BKS Iyengar; and Masters Rodney Yee and Shiva Rea.

Directors –  Fred Busch